Girelli, R., Neri, C. (2006), The conception of disease: historical, anthropological and clinical observations, Funzione Gamma. Journal online di Psicologia di gruppo, 18. Disponibile da http: Abstract The authors present a dialogue aimed at illuminating the concept of disease, within a complex and multidisciplinary. Following a historical development of the concept, are first identified […]
Neri, C. (2006), Leadership e menzogna, European Journal of Psychotherapy Counselling and Health, VIII (1), 5-7. ISSN: 1364-2537 Articolo in pdf leadership-e-menzogna
Neri, C. (2006), Leadership in small groups: Syncretic sociality and the genius loci, European Journal of Psychotherapy Counselling and Health, 8 (1), 33-46. ISSN: 1364-2537 Abstract Freud presupposed that the group has one leader and only one. The Freudian view was that for the members of the group the group leader fills the role of the […]
Neri, C. (2005), Interview with Balbino, Funzione Gamma. Journal online di Psicologia di gruppo, 15. Disponibile da link Abstract The interview between Claudio Neri and Balbino was carried out in dialogue form, this is of great importance, as not only does it provide significant information on the therapeutic ritual, but above all it shows the comparison- […]
Neri, C. (2005), What is the function of faith and trust in psychoanalysis?, The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 86 (1), 79-97. Abstract Unlike other concepts such as illusion, capacity to tolerate frustration and libidinal investment, the concept of faith has not yet found a well defined position in psychoanalytic theory. Bion focused on faith and placed […]
Neri C. (2003). Anthropological Psychoanalysis, Bion’s Journeying in Italy in Lipgar R.M. e Pines M. (eds) Building on Bion : Roots Origins and Context of Bion’s Contribution’s to Theory and Practice, Jessica Kingsley Publ., London and New York Abstract Bion held his last seminar in Rome on 17th July 1977. Francesco Corrao, on behalf of […]
Paper read at the international conference on « Training in Group Therapy : A challenge in a changing Mental Health Scenario » organized by the University Hospital of Geneva and co-sponsored by the World Psychiatric Association in Geneva, 19th – 20th September 2003 Abstract There are many reasons that bring a person to training in […]
Neri, C. (2003). ‘Free Associations, Free Flowing Discussions and Group Thought’ Group Analysis. Vol 36(3):345–357 Abstract The author makes two basic points, ones that have not been elucidated in the literature. The first is that when group associations coalesce, in some sort of unified way, they form in two levels. One level is the manifest […]
Group Analysis. Vol 36(3):345–357 Abstract I’m making two basic points, ones that have not been elucidated in the literature. The first is that when group associations coalesce, in some sort of unified way, they form in two levels. One level is the manifest theme that the therapist perceives and, in traditional group-as-a-whole approaches, interprets. The […]
Neri C., Friedman R., Pines M., (2002). Introduction in Neri C., Friedman R., Pines M. (eds) Dreams in Group Psychotherapy Theory and Technique, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London and Philadelphia. Abstract The idea for this book was born during a meeting on a Roman terrace one sunny afternoon after a congress about ‘Dreams and the Group’. […]
Introduction: Robi Friedman, Claudio Neri and Malcom Pines
The book draws attention on long-neglected ways of understanding and use of dreams. The dream’s individual functions have overshadowed for many centuries its communicative functions for groups or the community -
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London and Philadelphia Abstract Dreams signal the essential moments in the search for identity. In the story of Fabiana, a patient in one of my therapeutic groups, three dreams had particular importance. These dreams (actually two dreams and a “scenic representation”) showed the state of the self and the progress in her […]