Abstract I will present the discussion in three parts. The first, which is very synthetic, will cover some of Bion’s theories as regards “Work Group Mentality”, “Basic Assumptions Group Mentality”, and their respective leaders. In the second, I will introduce J. Bleger’s “Syncretic Sociality” concept, which introduces a third type of “Group Mentality” different from […]
Bulletin of Australian Association of Group Psychotherapists. 18, 42-50 Abstract What innovations does Group Psychotherapy bring? What are its main therapeutic elements? I will try to answer these questions by considering the story of Fabiana, a patient in one of my therapeutic groups Articolo in pdf fabiana-s-change-how-group-psychotherapy-works
In K Richards e B. Smith (a cura di) Proceedings of the Second International Adventure Therapy Conference, University of Ausburg, 2000 Abstract The objectives I have set myself in this paper are to give a general idea of what a group therapist with a psychoanalytic approach observes in a therapeutic group, and to examine two […]
British Journal of Psychotherapy, X, 1, pp. 383-391 Abstract A feature of group life, its biography, is described which derives from the history of the group and which gives a unique character to the life of the group in the present. This inheritance is important in the present functioning of the group and for the […]
Neri C. (1993) Field Theory and Trans-generational Phantasies, Rivista di Psicoanalisi, XXXIX; I, pp. 43–62 (Reprinted in Borgogno, F., Luchetti, A., Marino Coe, L. (eds) (2016), Reading Italian Psychoanalysis, Routledge, London, pp. 406–416) Abstract There is an enormous literature on the inheritance of trans-generational phantasies and phantasms. I deal with a specific aspect of the theme in this […]
British Journal of Psychotherapy, 1993 Abstract Il lavoro pone l’accento sull’investimento affettivo che i membri del gruppo operano su un insieme di elementi condivisi (patrimonio affettivo). Nella seconda parte dello scritto si sottolinea come l’integrità di tale patrimonio sia essenziale per il buon funzionamento del gruppo in quanto «gruppo di lavoro» e per il benessere […]
Rivista di Psicoanalisi, XXXV, 4, 1989 Abstract Contributo presentato all’VIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Psicoanalitica Italiana (Sorrento, 1988) (vedi rissunto 80). Partendo dai brevi resoconti clinici, viene descritta l’importanza di alcuni vissuti di miseria e indegnità, di cui i pazienti non parlano in analisi, ma per così dire tengono reclusi. Si delinea l’ipotesi che tali […]
Annual of the lnternational Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy X, 1984. pp. 501-541 Abstract W. R. Bion (1952) has pointed out a connection between alterations in the development of the “apparatus for thinking thoughts” and psychosomatic symptoms. Many authors have used this insight, from their own points of view, as a basis for describing this deficiency […]
Neri C. (1981). Introduzione al numero monotematico dedicato a W.R. BionRivista di Psicoanalisi, XXVII, 3-4, 1981, pp. 359-362 e per il testo inglese pp. 363-67 (in collaborazione con F. Corrao), bibl. di 3 titoli. Articolo in pdf introduction-to-bion
Rivista di Psicoanalisi, XXVII, 3-4, pp. 749-757, bibl. di 20 titoli Abstract Bion has evidenced a universal aspect of human psychology which can be adequately observed only in group situations: the individual’s tendency to combine instantly and involuntarily with another individual (or with more than one at a time) in sharing a basic-assumption and acting […]